Killanne Union of Parishes
Welcome to Killanne Union of Parishes
Sunday, 9th February, 2025 - The Fourth Sunday before Lent Service
10am Rossdroit
10am Templeshanbo
Friday, 7th February Even Song Service
7.30pm Killlanne
The image above is a photo of the sunset over the Blackstairs mountains (taken by Rev Barrett). If you have photos which you're happy for us to use -- of parishioners (get their okay), parish events, farming, the churches or local scenery -- please send them to Teri Morris for use by the parish. These can be sent to: hello@impulsehub.ie.
Dates for your Diary
- Select Vestry - Thursday 27th February at 8pm in Killanne Hall, to include revision of the Registers of Vestry Members. All those over 18 years of age are eligible to have their name placed on the Register. Forms are available from the Rector. Treasurers please note that the accounts are due to be presented at this meeting.
- Easter General Vestry - Thursday 10th April at 8pm in Killanne Hall. ~ a new select vestry will be elected at this meeting
Contacting the Rector
The Rector is pleased to announce that the original phone number of the Rectory has been reinstated. So you may contact Rev. Arthur on 053 9244180, or by email at killannerector@gmail.com. If you would like the Rector to call, or you know someone who would like a home visit, or receive Holy Communion at home, please do let him know.
Sunday services
We are returning to a more ‘normal’ schedule of services from February. However, on the 4th Sunday of each month we will have a United Service, which will rotate around the four churches. By doing so we hope to encourage parishioners to come together in worship, at least once a month, and enjoy fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee after each of these services.
Choral Evensong
We are also resuming the service of Choral Evensong in Killanne Church on the first Friday of each month. These beautiful and unique services have become very popular, and it is lovely to welcome parishioners, neighbours and friends to Killanne to enjoy an evening service of worship which is almost dying out. Please do invite and encourage family and
friends to come along and keep this very valuable Anglican church tradition going.
Register of Vestry members
In February, the Select Vestry will review the Register of Vestry Members. All adult (over 18 yrs of age) members of the Union of Parishes should be on the Register. Only those on the Register are able to vote at the Annual Easter General Vestry Meeting, or be elected to the Select Vestry. If you are not on the Register, please be sure to compete one of the forms (Resident or Accustomed member) which are available in each church for the next four Sundays. Please complete and return the form to the Rector or Churchwardens, before Wednesday 26 th February 2025. If you have any queries about being a Vestry Member, please do not hesitate to contact the Rector
Parish Magazine News
Notes for the magazine should reach Margaret by the 6th of each month and photographs would also be appreciated. These can be sent to killanneunion (at) gmail.com.
Parishoner Info
We are conducting a review of parish records and are updating the parish database. Please submit your forms to the Rectory or by email to Rev Barrett as soon as possible.
Pastoral Care
Please contact Rev Arthur Barrett for all pastoral care services at The Rectory at 053 9244180.
CHRISTIAN MEDIA TRUST PROGRAMMES on South East Radio 95.2-96.4fm
Sat 8th Feb 2025 Tues 11th Feb 2025
Simply Divine
Sat 8thFeb 2025, 10.04-10.30am
Maria Colfer speaks with adult faith educator and retreat facilitator, Dr Grainne Doherty on how the experiences of Biblical women speak to our own life story.
Sounds For Sunday
9th Feb, 09.04am -10.00am
Presented by Patricia McNally, a selection of Hymns sacred Songs & Includes listeners requests.
Text Line for requests 089-2700688
Sunday Mass
9th Feb, 10.00am - St Mary and St Michael, New Ross
Sunday Reflection
9th Feb, 8.30pm-9pm
Betty Breen speaks with author and lecturer Tom Madden
on his newly released book, St Brigid - Her Definitive Story
Part two of two part programme.
Music Box
10th Feb, 8.04pm -8.30pm
Jim Roberts shares a selection of musical favourites.
Faith Matters
10th Feb, 8.30-9.00pm
David Hennessy continues his conversation with Anthony Crossey on how an experience with Jesus changed his life.
https://walkthecross.ie/ and on youtube here.
Diocesan Diary
11th Feb, 8.04-8.30pm
Martin Colfer and Betty Breen
Speak with guests Michael Fortune and daughter Eppie on St Brigid's Cross and to Kevin Clancy of Clares wish foundation.
Contact Us
Reach us using the contact form below. With every blessing.
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